Monday, June 11, 2012


I am blogging.  Never thought I'd see the day.  Normally I would say that blogging is the highest form of narcisissm, and disavow all association with it.  But I've come to realize that I need a place to write.  I need to put some thoughts out there that are honest, passionate, and free of political niceties.  This is an exercise in stress relief and self-expression.

Put it that way, I guess I still agree that blogs are narcisistic. 

Anyway, I'm blogging about movies.  Why?  Because I like them.  If you don't like them then you're probably here because you like me.  If you don't like movies or me, why are you here?

Of course I'll be gushing over movies I like and ranting about movies I hate.  That's par for the course.  But there is something else I want to do as a service to other movie lovers: I want to recommend films that any self-respecting movie lover absolutely MUST see.  So I'll be writing about a lot of older films that might not be well known, or perhaps foreign, or are just plain so amazing they deserve continual recognition.

  1. This is my blog, and the title is self-explanitory.  I'm opinionated, and in this little world of my making my opinion is always right.  You're entitled to your opinion of course, and can comment to your heart's content about it.  But please don't be offended if my opinion (stated strongly) disagrees with yours.  I'm opinionated, and I don't want to hold back.
  2. I have three measures by which I judge a movie.  Entertainment value (is it fun?), Artistic value (does it say something worthwhile?), and Technical competence (direction, acting, etc.).  There will then be a final score which is my overall impression.  This final score is not an average; it is influenced but not determined by the scores I give the other measures. 
  3. Hi mom!
  Enough of that, bring on the movies!

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